4th MREI Girls Sports Meet 2016

Directorate sports MREI organized 4th Manav Rachna Educational  Institution  Girls  sports meet 2016 on 05.02.2016. The sports meet was inaugurated by Smt. Satya Bhalla Ji, Chief Patron, Manav Rachna, along with Dr. M.M. Kathuria, Trustee Manav Rachna & Dr. N.C.Wadhwa,Vice Chancellor, MRIU in the presence of Mr. Sarkar Talwar, Director Sports & Mr. Naresh Grover, Dean Academic, MRIU, Mr. K.C.Dadhwal, Registrar & Proctor MRIU, Mr. I.K.Killam, Director RMR, other  Deans & directors and sports staff of Manav Rachna .  Smt. Bhalla gave the Good Luck Message to all participating teams.

About 300 girl’s students including Hostellers and Day Scholars participated in different events. It was a very enjoyable experience for all the girls as they we very happy to participate.

The Prize given by Smt. Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron, Manav Rachna alongwith Dr. M.M. Kathuria, Trustee Manav Rachna & Dr. N.C.Wadhwa,Vice Chancellor, MRIU.

Final Results are as under :

  1. Tug of War Winner – Girls Hostel team
  2. Musical Chair Winner – Pooja, from Day Scholars
  3. Relay Race Winner – Prerna, Shirshti, Rashika, Anjali from Day Scholars
  4. Three leg Race Winner – Palak & Rishika Day Scholars
  5. Spoon Lemon Race Winner – Preeti, Day Scholars
  6. Basket Ball Winner – Indu, Shubhani,Priya, Mehak, Advika, Preeti, Roopam from Girls Hostel team