Workshop on Recent Advancements in Photovoltaic Technology & Materials (RAPTAM – 2016) by FET, MRIU

wk2Energy is an essential part of our daily lives and every aspect of our lives relies on using energy. It has been felt by all the sectors that the solar photovoltaic technology can play an important role of fulfilling the growing needs of energy of the technologically advanced world of today. In the context of environmental, social, political and economic concerns that are highlighting a stronger case for cleaner and more efficient energy, there is a growing prospect for solar photovoltaic systems. With this view of providing a platform to explore the new areas of research and development, Department of Physics, FET, MRIU has organized One Day Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Photovoltaic Technology & Materials (RAPTAM – 2016)” on 17th of February, 2016, at Workshop Hall, B-Block. The aim of this workshop was to apprise the budding engineers, researchers and academicians about the worldwide energy crisis and to think about the appropriate utilization of the energy resources on the earth for the sustainable developments and pave a way for of latest technology and development in PV for young researchers. Three key questions for solar PV technology arise: (i) How can the efficiency of solar photovoltaics be increased? (ii) How can cost of solar photovoltaic systems be reduced? and (iii) How can these goals be achieved at manufacturing label?

Through this workshop, we intend to raise awareness and build the capacity of budding engineers, enabling them to proactively search for state-of-the-art patented clean technologies. One Day workshop with resource person Dr. Hitendra K. Malik, Professor, IIT Delhi and participants from various departments of MRIU and students was very useful and has met the objectives.

wk12The workshop began with traditional lighting of wisdom lamp by Dr. M. K. Soni, Executive Director & Dean, FET, MRIU, Dr. Hitendra K. Malik, Professor, IIT, Delhi, Dr. Pradeep K. Varshney, Associate Director, FET, MRIU, Prof. B S Gill, Director, MRIIC, Prof Leena G. and HODs of various departments of MRIU. Dr. Pradeep K. Varshney delivered his opening remarks by focusing on the history and importance of PV system and its development, advantages and future research prospect of PV as it is an alternate source of energy for future generation. Dr. Hitendra K. Malik, Professor, IIT, Delhi, delivered the lecture on Plasma, Materials and Energy. Prof. Malik drew the attention of gathering on future research on Plasma science and correlation of energy and materials. During his visit to exhibition, he advised the students to come at big platform to showcase their innovative ideas and talents. On the extension towards sharing of knowledge, Dr. M K Soni, Executive Director & Dean, FET, MRIU said the Energy is an essential part of our daily lives and every aspect of our lives relies on using energy. He talked about important role of photovoltaic technology with environmental and socio-economic concerns and fulfilling the rising needs of energy of the technologically advanced world. A vote of thanks was proposed by the Dr. Devi Singh, Convener and Head, Department of Physics with a motivational enforcement to involve them with innovative work.

About 135 students of First Year B. Tech. of various branches presented their working models and posters focusing in the area of renewable energy with sub-themes in PV Solar Energy, Design and Development of various energy systems and Future Prospects of Renewable Energy. Some of the ideas of renewable energy in model presentations were very innovative like Bluetooth tractor, Autonomous Gardening and Farming, Smart City, Witricity, Light Fidelity, Electricity production from Trade mills, Electricity by Tri Energy sources. Apart from these, students presented their innovation in stick for blind person, Homemade Tesla coil, Self adjusting solar panel, Hologram, Air conditioner, Plant-o-BOT, Bluetooth controlled solar panel, wheel electricity and Energy Cycle. Prizes and certificates were given to the participants of award winning models and posters.

The fervent participation and presentation by students and throwing of light on latest advancement in PV technology and materials by invited speaker itself displayed the success story of workshop.