Manav Rachna International University marked World Environment Day 2016 by organizing a workshop in collaboration with Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad Local Centre

The workshop was based on three keys issues: ‘Safety of Wildlife’, ‘Nano Pollution’ and ‘Ilegal Trade in Wildlife’

Speakers and dignitaries on the occasion expressed concern about various components of the environment and sensitized the audience towards sustainable development and environmental pollution

Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), MRIU, organised a workshop to mark World Environment Day 2016 (June 5) in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad Local Centre. In keeping with this year’s theme, the topic of the workshop focused on ‘Illegal Trade in Wildlife’ with the underlying slogan ‘Go wild for Life’ . The workshop emphasized on the need to be more human, combat greed and overcome indifference to preserve our natural heritage for the benefit of our present and future generations so as to prevent the growing strain on planet Earth’s natural systems from reaching breaking point.

PIC 1The workshop was based on three keys issues with lectures delivered by Mr Sushil Bajaj, Hon’ble Secretary, Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad Local Centre on ‘Safety of Wildlife’; Dr S.K. Chakraborty, Ex Dean, MRIU and Professor, NIT, Kuruskshetra, who spoke on ‘Nano Pollution’; and Mr Sandeep Handa, FIE Member who threw the spotlight on ‘Ilegal Trade in Wildlife’.

Welcoming dignitaries, Er J.P. Singh, Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad Local Centre, said, “There is an urgent need for all of us to unite and observe World Environment Day so as to sensitize people to do their bit for the environment as global warming continues to wreak havoc and throw our flora and fauna in peril. Manav Rachna has always espoused environmental causes—the massive tree plantation drive in Faridabad last year is a case in point– and it is a matter of great pride to associate with the Institution in our initiatives for environmental sustenance.”

Addressing the gathering, Dr N.C. Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, MRIU, and Chief Guest on the occasion said, “There is a need to enlighten people about keeping our environment clean and green and fight against the illegal trade in wildlife which erodes precious biodiversity and threatens the survival of our animals. With instances of environmental degradation becoming an everyday affair—the delicate balance between mankind and animals is fast eroding. India is an emerging economy of 1.25 billion population with a rich biodiversity. We should undertake protective measures and engage ourselves in renewable sources of energy. MRIU has been working ceaselessly for the environment as green initiatives like the launch of the Solar Centre in the campus or even the revival of the Badhkal Lake in Faridabad truly exemplifies.”

Also present on the occasion was Mr J.P. Malhotra, Ex-Chairman, Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad; Dr M.K. Soni, Executive Director & Dean, Fet, MRIU, among others.