“Gulmohar”: An Educative Musical album dedicated to Dr. O P Bhalla by well-known Singer & Anchor Padamjeet Sehrawat released

[list_item]The first-of-its kind Educative Musical Album ‘Gulmohar’ by well-known singer, anchor, commentator and performer Padamjeet Sehrawat dedicated to Dr O.P. Bhalla, Founder Visionary, MREI was released today [/list_item]

[list_item]Smt Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron, MREI launched the CD during a curtain raiser concert at the campus [/list_item]

[list_item]20 students from Manav Rachna International Schools (MRIS) have also lent their melodious voices to a few compositions in the album [/list_item]

[list_item]MRIS students Gaurvi, Rishika and Arushi get once in a lifetime opportunity to sing in a musical album[/list_item]

2 May, 2016: What began as a soulful tribute to Founder Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla soon crystallized into an educative and emotional journey for the Manav Rachna family as Padamjeet Sehrawat, singer, anchor, commentator and performer mesmerized the gathering with his soul-stirring songs from ‘Gulmohar’, a lyrical bouquet of musical compositions in memory of Founder Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla. He also presented a medley of Bollywood numbers both vintage and contemporary at the MREI campus.

The Educative musical session was attended by several senior dignitaries including Smt Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI); Dr N.C. Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, MRIU; Dr Sanjay Srivastava, MD, MREI and VC, MRU; Dr M.M. Kathuria, Trustee, MREI; Dr V.K. Mahna, Pro-Vice Chancellor, MRU; Dr M.K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FET, MRIU; Mr Sarkar Talwar, Director, Sports, MREI; Professor I.K. Kilam, Dean Students Welfare, among others.


Launching the musical CD, Smt Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron, MREI, said, “I feel extremely happy to be a part of such a meaningful and momentous occasion and feel grateful for the compilation of songs in memory of Dr O.P. Bhalla. I owe sincere gratitude towards the students of MRIS who have sung in the album. Let us hope that there would more such CDs in future and the Almighty would give us the wisdom to move in the right direction.”

Welcoming the senior dignitaries, Dr N.C. Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, MRIU said, “Today MREI stands tall as one of the foremost institutions in Delhi-NCR because of the visionary zeal and belief of Dr O P Bhalla that education has a multiplier effect and is the most important means to contribute to society.”        

Living up to his manifold credentials as a performer for all genres, Padamjeet Sehrawat, who has to his credit 1000 concerts as a singer and 400 live shows, paid homage to Founder Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla, recounting his own personal experiences with the legend. While addressing the students, Padamjeet Sehrawat said, “These songs will continue to inspire us for all times to come. This musical session is meant to inculcate messages that would help you in your growing up years. Manav Rachna means growth. Be proud of who you are but never be satisfied with what you have achieved. Remember, nobody can take away your hard work from you.”

Mr. Sehrawat also selected three students from among the audience who are good at singing. These MRIS students, namely, Gaurvi, Rishika and Arushi will get a chance to sing along with him in one of his albums releasing in July 2016.