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Organic Farm Fresh


Our startup Organic Farm Fresh is based on modified formulated compost consisting of parali and a natural antimicrobial agent for button mushrooms it includes two social issues which are health-related and environment-related. In India,
per person consumes about 90 grams of mushrooms. Button mushroom is commonly consumed globally as well as in India also. The consumption rate is low in India due to a lack of knowledge, and awareness of their beneficiary properties.
Mushrooms have lots of nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic values. Eating mushrooms could be treated breast, colon and prostate cancer. It’s the only source of vitamin D after the sunlight and is also rich in vitamin C, and micro and
macro minerals. Mushroom is a type of cash crop, It grows mainly from October to march. The cultivation of mushrooms gives huge profits to farmers. The mushroom market size was valued at $33,553.0 million in 2019 and is estimated to
reach $53,342.0 million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 9.3% from 2021 to 2027. The problem associated with this prestigious cash crop having a short life span and being attracted by many bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens Losses due
to spoilage by ‘bacterial blotch’ (Pseudomonas tolaasii) are estimated as 5-10% of the total mushrooms grown. the fungal disease gets out of control it can cause crop losses as high as 20 per cent or more, but 1-5 per cent losses are
common. The viral diseases were not reported in India. The first problem is, No permanent way is used to treat infections but some chemicals are available like 2-4% formalin or 1% of benomile,carbendazium ,thiofenate methyl, wetawax.
Farmers dilute them with water and sprayed into the crops, which affects the quality of mushrooms. The second main problem is air pollution by the burning of parali, it’s the environmental problem in northern India. To solve this
problem, we designed formulated compost by using parali as a main component of the substrate. Its resolves air pollution and make the environment eco-friendly. Our USP is natural antibacterial agent that we will not spray we will add to
the formulated compost, which is made by using parali.

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