Post-event Report on session on “Ethics and Professional Conduct in Corporate World”

Event Details:

A career guidance session for Students of BTech ECE MRIIRS was organized on 11th Nov 2022 by CRC department in collaboration with Tecquire solutions. The Guest Speaker was Ms. Rashi from Tecquire Solutions. The intent of the session was to create awareness amongst students that ethical behavior and professional conduct are not static. They require continuous self-reflection and improvement. Professionals should regularly assess their actions and decisions against ethical standards; seek guidance when facing moral dilemma and commit ongoing learning and growth in area.

13 students from B.Tech ECE attended the session.

In conclusion the Techquire representative cleared that these are the practical principles that shape the course of careers and organizations. By adhering to a strong code of ethics, individuals and organizations can navigate the complexities of modern professional landscape and ensure long term success.

The session ended with the vote of thanks.