‘Promoting Clean Sports’: A two-day workshop on Anti-Doping at Manav Rachna International University

– Organized in association with National Anti Doping agency and National Dope Testing Laboratory
– Anti doping is a means to protect the value of sports and ‘clean athletes’

IMG_9037Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), Manav Rachna International University (MRIU) is organizing a two day workshop on Anti – Doping in association with National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) and National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL). The aim of the two-day workshop (from 1-2 April, 2016) is to provide a training module which would give students an opportunity to be recruited as Dope Control Officers. In competitive sports, doping refers to the use of banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs by athletic competitors. Anti doping is a means to protect the value of sports and ‘clean athletes’. It also helps to deal with organized crime. The workshop was conducted by Dr Alka Beotra (Scientific Director- National Dope Testing Laboratory & Vice President, IASM), and Dr Ankush Gupta (National Anti Doping Agency, Govt. of India) who emphasized upon Anti doping and acquainted students with its history, the list of banned substances involved and their side effects. Various colleges of Delhi NCR including Delhi University, Jamia Hamdard and Indian Spinal Injuries Centre are participating in the workshop.

The participants learnt about therapeutic use exemption (where the athlete is given the authorization to take the medication if required), sample analysis, collection and procedures behind the testing of drugs once the athletes are selected for dope testing. Doping and Nutritional Supplements were discussed in detail. She dwelled upon the Structure of Anti doping Organization, the testing procedure & test distribution planning. Detailed discussion on the List of Banned substances and Anti-Doping Rule Violation and Result Management was made.

IMG_9040Expressing deep appreciation of the anti doping workshop, Dr. Prashant Bhalla, Preisdent, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions said: “Sports can be exciting and rewarding at the same time, but its legacy can get severely tarnished and the integrity of athletes can get undermined with the use of performance enhancing drugs. Anti doping therefore plays an important role in sport. This is the fifth Anti doping workshop at Manav Rachna International University updating students on the latest anti-doping measures which are necessary to preserve the spirit of fair play”. Dr. G.L Khanna, Dean, FAS said: “Manav Rachna International University has been a pioneer in the field of sports promotion. With doping posing a huge challenge to the nation and the sports fraternity, the anti doping workshop would no doubt be a great platform to sensitize students by updating their knowledge. Such courses serve excellently to overcome these challenges for the betterment of the sporting fraternity.”