Event Report of Green India Hackathon Sensitization Session by Electric One Mobility by WUElev8 Innovation Services Private Limited

Department of Mechanical Engineering and department of Automobile engineering organized a session on Sensitization on Green India Hackathon, event to be held on 20th January 2023. Students of mechanical engineering, automobile engineering, electrical and electronics engineering and civil engineering were involved. Guest Speakers for the day were Mr. Rishab Ilwadi, Co-founder and CEO, WUElev8 and Mr. Avanish Pandey, Associate Director, WUElev8. The event started with a welcome address by Dr. Jimmy Mehta, Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering. A brief introduction was given by Dr. Devendra Vashisht, Prof. and Head, Department of Automobile Engineering. Event was also graced by the presence of Dr. Manoj Nayak, Prof. and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering.  Mr. Avanish Pandey interacted with students and gave a brief insight about the Hackathon and electric vehicles. The upcoming market and job opportunities and scope of electric vehicles in upcoming year were discussed in detail. Being a mechanical engineer and part of more than 20 recruitment drives, hackathons and up-skilling programs, he motivated the students and informed them about all the aspects of the event. Mr. Rishabh Ilawadi, Co-Founder and CEO of an Elevation platform ‘WUElev8 discussed with the students related to technological issues and problems being faced by the customers related to battery, charging systems etc. he guided the students and discussed about the success stories to inspire the budding engineers of 4th and 6th semester students. QR code for registration of event was also shared and students have registered. They informed about the team size and also gave few ideas around the problem can be formed.