Introduction: MRIIRS Career Fair was organized by CRC from 7th to 11th November 2022 inviting various organizations. It was a resounding success which provided a valuable platform for students and employers to connect.

Event was inaugurated with the ethnic ceremony of Lighting of Lamp thereon Ms. Rakhi Arora Pruthi GM & Head CRC welcomed the professionals and guests with a green initiative and declared the event open. Overall more than 300 Students participated in the event representing diverse disciplines from business and engineering to liberal arts and sciences. Many leading companies like RDC Concrete (India), Zimyo Consultants, Space Group, Tecquire Solutions were invited for campus placement and guidance. Several interactive sessions were conducted during the fair covering the topics like Resume Building, interview skills, career planning, work ethics etc. Further these companies also conducted interviews with students for their respective job requirements. These sessions were well received by students seeking guidance in their job search and career journey.

The fair also provided a conducive environment for students to interact with industry professionals. Students gained insight into career paths they were interested in pursuing.

The MRIIRS career fair proved to be invaluable resource for students. The positive outcomes of the event reinforce its significance as an annual fixture in the university academic calendar. This fair proved to be a vital platform bridging the gap between education and industry, preparing students for successful careers in chosen field.