Online Career Guidance Session on Mechatronics: From Gears to Glory in collaboration with Padmini VNA Mechatronics Ltd

The “Career Guidance Session on Mechatronics: From Gears to Glory” organised by CRC on 5th January 2023 for students of EEE, ECE and Mechanical of B. Tech MRIIRS was a highly informative and inspiring event that shed light on the promising field of mechatronics in collaboration with Padmini VNA Mechatronics Ltd. The keynote speaker was Mr. Arshad. A total of 12 Attendees had the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of mechatronics, which combines mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science, opening a world of innovative possibilities. This session likely provided insights into the academic pathways, career prospects, and industry trends within the mechatronics domain. Experts might have shared success stories and practical advice on pursuing a career in this interdisciplinary field. By showcasing the potential and achievements in mechatronics, this session undoubtedly served as a motivating guide for individuals considering or already embarked on a journey in this exciting field.