Online Industry Interaction Session by Cvent

An Industry Interaction by Cvent was organised by CRC for students pursuing B.Tech in CSE, ECE, and EEE holds great promise as it offers a direct bridge between academia and the technology-driven event management sector and was held on 10th February 2023. The Industry Interaction session was taken by Ms. Sakshi .25 Students of B. Tech were attending this interaction can anticipate gaining valuable insights into Cvent’s innovative technologies, software solutions, and industry-specific practices. Expect presentations, discussions, and perhaps even hands-on experiences related to event management technology. Furthermore, this interaction might serve as a platform for networking with professionals from Cvent, potentially opening doors to internships, mentorship, and future career opportunities. Ultimately, this event should provide students with a real-world perspective on how their technical skills can be applied in the dynamic field of event technology.