Online Session on ” Career Guidance: Pave the Way to Your Dream Job by Contata Solutions”

The CRC organised Session on “Career Guidance: Pave the Way to Your Dream Job” seminar by Ms. Shilpi from Contata Solutions for the students of Students BTech CSE, ECE and EEE of MRIIRS on 8th October 2022.It was a motivational and informative session that offered attendees a roadmap to achieving their dream careers.

 The session covered various aspects of career planning, from identifying individual strengths and interests to creating effective job search strategies.

Attendees were inspired by the presenter’s insights and real-world examples, which provided a practical perspective on career development. The seminar emphasized the importance of perseverance and continuous learning in pursuing one’s aspirations, leaving participants with a renewed sense of motivation and a clear path forward towards their dream jobs. Overall, it served as a valuable catalyst for attendees in their career journeys.