Online Session on ” Personal Development for Placements: Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence in association with Lutron”

A session on “Personal Development for Placements: Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence” was organised by CRC in association with Lutron for the students of B.Tech CSE,ECE, EEE and Mechanical of MRIIRS.

The session was provided by Ms. Nisha from Lutron. It is a highly impactful workshop designed to equip individuals with the essential attributes needed to excel in the competitive job placement landscape. The session focused on honing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability, along with the cultivation of emotional intelligence. Through interactive exercises and expert insights, attendees gained practical strategies for enhancing their interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and empathy. The session emphasized that while technical skills are essential, it’s the mastery of soft skills and emotional intelligence that often sets candidates apart in interviews and workplace success. Participants were provided with a heightened sense of self-awareness and a toolbox of skills to navigate placements and future career opportunities with confidence and effectiveness.