Online Session on ” Skills Development and Continuous Learning for Career Growth in association with Hevo Data”

CRC in association with Hevo Data organised a session on “Skills Development and Continuous Learning for Career Growth” by Ms. Sudipa for the students of Students of B. Tech CSE & ECE, MRIIRS on 15th October 2022. It was an enlightening session that underscored the vital role of ongoing learning and skill enhancement in achieving professional success.

The program emphasized the dynamic nature of today’s job market and the need for individuals to adapt and upskill continuously. Attendees learned about various avenues for skill development, from formal education to online courses and on-the-job training. The session highlighted the benefits of a growth mindset and staying updated with industry trends. Participants were provided with a clear understanding of the importance of continuous learning and a commitment to investing in their own skill development to secure their career growth and advancement.