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Skills To Become A Good Teacher

Every teacher can teach but every teacher cannot teach effectively enough to impart knowledge in such a way that it transforms the lives of hundreds and thousands of learners. A “Good Teacher”, besides imparting knowledge, brings about a positive cognitive, behavioral and social change in his students. The difference between a “Teacher” and a “Good Teacher” lies in possessing some skills required in a teacher, some inherent to the personality of a teacher and others that can be learnt with proper training. Some teachers are inherently friendly, jovial and easy-going, and thus “Connect” with their audience faster and more effectively. Though with effort, these traits can be inculcated, by and large they remain a part of basic personality of a teacher.

Top skills to Become a Great Teacher:

1) Skill of transacting / constructing Knowledge: For a teacher, the most important part of the teaching is to transact knowledge to the students in a simple, easy-to-assimilate and effective manner. For this, he/she should have solid knowledge base of his respective subjects as well as good communication skills (Both written and oral). Besides he/she has to have expertise in using various digital devices like computers etc., basic knowledge of the mental abilities, interests, attitudes and motivation as well as aspiration levels of his students. Last but not the least, he/she must possess the skill to assess if the students are learning or getting insight on the content being taught.

2) Communication Skills: The teacher should be able to express himself/herself in a language that is easily understood by the students. It is not important to show one’s proficiency in language (written or verbal) but to convey the facts and information in easy-to-understand language.

3) Skill to use latest Information Technologies, Digital Devices and Platforms: In this era of technology, having adequate knowledge of using various digital devices cannot be over stressed. Interesting power point presentations with relevant videos etc. can make even the dullest of topics interesting. A teacher should have adequate skills to use digital platforms to facilitate effective online teaching as and when required.

4) Skill of making teaching sessions creative:Books and lectures can sometimes become the most potent sedative! The good teacher should be smart enough to ensure that his teaching does not become drab and one-sided. Pauses in correct places, interaction with the students, humor, and anecdotal stories can be used effectively to achieve this aim.

5) Interpersonal Skills: Interpersonal skills are a tool which makes an average teacher into a successful one. A teacher with a pleasant demeanor creates in his students love not only for him but for his teaching too.

These skills carry a lot of weight in the modern times when SQ and EQ are considered as important as IQ in students’ success. The role of a good teacher does not end at just transferring bookish knowledge. He/She has an important role to play in transforming the young minds to be a responsible citizen so that they make a useful member of the society and country. A good teacher should have the knowledge of social background, local and national problems in order to mould their personalities accordingly.

6) Skill of getting feedback: A teacher must be skillful in fathoming whether there is an occurrence of learning in his students with regard to the content transacted or not. If not, then to change the method to teach, speed of communication and other relevant factors etc.

To conclude, teaching is an art which is partly inborn but can be developed and polished by repeated and consistent practice of certain skills as discussed above.

Written By:- Dr. Kiran Gupta Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Humanities, MRU

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