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Teaching-Learning Pedagogy of Aeronautical Department

Pedagogy is about “how” the teaching and learning occurs. Towards this, a variety of teaching strategies are applied because there is no single, universal approach that suits all situations. Different strategies are used to build up students’ interest in learning and to build up concepts/understanding of topics covered in theory classes related to basic sciences and engineering. In the lab courses, the strategies are aimed at teaching certain skills and practical fields of knowledge. Some strategies are better suited to certain student backgrounds and some to different learning styles and abilities. Our techniques of teaching, i.e. pedagogical practices, promote the well being of students, teachers and the university at large by improving the students’ and teachers’ confidence and contributing to their sense of purpose for being at the university.

 Classroom Activity

The theory classes are generally started by explaining the objective of learning the topic, the background, steps to be followed for learning a particular topic and learning outcome or value addition that is expected at the end of the class. The basic pedagogy addresses learning and its application. The mode of instructions and learning environment play important part in learning. The teachers present the topic material in a manner that facilitates students’ learning. Such effective teaching allows the students to acquire new concepts, integrate old and new ideas, and develop new skill sets. Successful learning allows students to identify appropriate application contexts of this integrated knowledge. The material is presented in any of the following forms:

  1. The points are written on the board and explained chronologically till the desired outcomes are achieved. New terms used are defined and their meaning is explained.
  2. Schematic diagrams to explain the matter are either drawn on the board or projected on the board using an LCD projector.
  3. Students are asked to confirm their comprehension and explain the same in their own language.
  4. The application of the topics covered is highlighted through examples with the use of slides /videos.


In the laboratory classes, the teaching is done by explaining the principle and technology, that emphasizes the use of experimental set ups, models, charts, displays depicting system diagrams, plots etc. to enhance student learning. These tools provide solutions as student learning outcomes. The effectiveness of learning by the students becomes visible through the students’ response and participation in discussions. The class work is generally followed by written assignments to be submitted by the students, which helps in building up the students’ capability in converting their understanding to written description.

Workshops on Aeromodelling and Simulation software

These are the routine activities organized in the Aeronautical department and are aimed at understanding the design techniques followed in building aeromodels and carrying out computational analysis of aerodynamic and structural loads experienced by aircraft and its components.

Educational Visits

Regular visits to the industry/educational institutions are conducted for Aeronautical students for enhancing the understanding of the equipment discussed in classrooms. The students get an opportunity to practically see either at the Air Force Museum or at an Air Force base the detailed intricacies of design, operation and utilization of the equipment, such as variety of aircrafts, engines and aircraft systems, by observing the flying and maintenance operations being followed. Such visits enhance learning outcomes. Some of the pictures taken during such recent visit are shown below.

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