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Campus Placement Management System

Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) at Manav Rachna International University (MRIU) has introduced a student friendly web application for their placement cell. This application aims to bring all the stake holders including students, faculties, recruiters, placement coordinators and various departments on one single platform. This application will update the students about the companies visiting the University for the ‘On Campus Placement’.
This Campus Placement Management System (CPMS) launched recently at MRIU is meticulously designed to aid students in planning their career approach. Campus placement cell serves as an important platform for students to get their first job or start their career in the right place at the right time.
Students can now register online with their placement cell and even list down their ‘dream job companies’. This will allow the University to prepare collect data of students who prefer ‘a particular’ company’. Once the students have prescribed their job preferences based on the companies visiting the college campus, they are sent alerts with all the details about the company and their required credentials.
This helps students prepare well for their on campus placement interviews. The CPMS also helps in mitigating chances of wasting a placement seat in a company as it updates the placement coordinators on the placement status of each student during the on campus placement. 
It is not only the students who benefit from this system but the companies who come to recruit fresher’s and give them direct entry to the organization are able to pick the best from the lot.
In the present situation with umpteen options and increasing competition in the job market, students often reflect a confused mindset. They have a higher tendency to apply for all the available job options irrespective of their interest. This lands them into a greater trouble in the later course of their career.
Companies have often expressed their regret on picking a wrong candidate from the on campus placement system. They believe that best students are already picked by the company who visits the campus first.
The data collected by the CPMS in MRIU automatically updates the preferences mentioned by students about their desired company, job role and expected pay package. This helps the company assess and filter the students on the basis of their inputs(if provided by students) and thus plan their  potential candidates for the interview. Students are sent alerts reminding them of the interviwew dates on a regular basis.
The manual procedure of registering for the campus placement is tiem consuming and creates trouble for both the students and the University in managing data and information. Often students miss the dead line as they have to physically approach the placement cell office and stand in queue for hours to get themselves registerd.
The purpose of CPMS is not only to make the on campus placement process less tiresome but to create one staorage place for all the information concerning one student. 
The CPMS allows students at MRIU to maintain an organized Resume which is automatically updated with their academic records submitted to the administration at the time of their admission. 
This one applicant can manage three bodies, namely recruiters, students and the University in a coordinated manner reducing chances of data loss and data duplication. It further maintains the data log of all its students for future reference of the University and the recruiting companies.
Each student of MRIU will be allotted a separate login ID gives them access to this CPMS application where they can receive all the information and status report of the on campus placement. 
All required information pertaining to recruiting company, their required qualification criteria, their eligibility criteria, list of approaching companies for the campus recruitment, schedule of interview dates as well as online registration is now available from time to time to the students who are registered with the placement cell via the CPMS. 
Campus placement is one of the most essential stages in a student’s life. A cogent decision at this stage helps students achieve their goal in lesser time. MRIU has attempted to simplify this decision making process for students to have a successful career at the right place.
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