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Congruity of English language in Professionalism

As the globalization is at its peak; companies, government and business are working out of their homeland crossing boundaries and reaching global scale. There seems a necessity for collective language which can be understood by every one of them. English language has gained influence in creating an image that is understood by everyone. English being the language for communication in most countries, it has marked its impact on the global world being the medium for communication. It is the world’s second native language. Most of the commonwealth countries which were ruled by England had no other option but to learn English language to communicate with their rulers. Most prestigious posts were given to people who had better proficiency in English language in pre-independence era. Several years after transition from pre to post independence English language still had gained enough stature that it could not be replaced by native language. Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar was one of the first person who created awareness about English language. This paradigm shift created awareness to be proficient in English language and also changed the countries dynamics, as it brought cultural changes too. Relevance of English language forced states to teach English in higher educations as it was comprehensive in competing or communicating with global world and make them feel less ostracized. With more people migrating to cities from rural areas, development of skills to uphold the jobs requiring skilled labour has become an eminent task for the government.

It has been observed that employment of most individuals is attributed upon their English proficiency and communication skill. Ideas and knowledge are easily transferred if the communication between two people or group is done in same language. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” said George Bernard Shaw the famous Irish playwright. If the employed staffs are ill equipped in understanding English which is the common workplace language, they won’t be able to grasp the intention of the other party which could hamper the overall progress. A report of British Council states that within the end of the year 2020 there will be 2 billion people studying English. Vague understanding of English language can be the reason for Occupational segregation and inequality in wage structure. Education system can be blamed behind the reason for limited group of people having good command over English language. For around 95percent of the overall population of India, English is not their native language and they have to learn through schools whose teachers are not that well equipped or trained to educate in English language. To bring the economic equalities, it is essential for the state to train the young people with English vernacular so that they could compete on global scale. 92perecnt of the engineers employed in the country don’t possess the good proficiency of English language. Majority of companies have operations oversees in countries like China, India and other countries in African region due to the cheap labour. They require more employees who have good command of English so that they could convey the company’s objective to employees. According to a survey employees with good command of English in their native land get around 37percent wage increase. This influx has inspired more and more of individuals to learn the language. As the world progresses most of the unemployed youth feel a compulsion to learn English language, so that they could compete for the job offered. There has been significant rise in demand of labour in India, as being a developing nation there are a lot of sectors which require skilled workers with good proficiency in English. Relevance of English communication can be seen in modern employability as learning English can make you more employable.

Written By:- Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gautam, Associate Professor

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