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Good Communication for Happiness

Good Communication for Happiness

Communication is the process of sharing information and It has been practiced since time immemorial. We communicate our needs, desires, knowledge, perceptions and much more every day, with one another. Human beings are social animals, we live in societies that are formed of relationships which in turn are nurtured by communication. This is the extent to which communication is required by us. Naturally, effective communication makes all the difference.
A Great Escape
You know how it is when a lecture stimulates us and makes us understand the intended concepts and content, whereas another lecture just makes us fall asleep. It is nothing but a great example of a good & bad communication. A lecturer, who understands the finer nuances of communication, makes the lecture interesting enough for all of us to pay attention and maybe even contribute, but a bad lecture would only inspire us to escape to another world even if it means sleeping.
The Gift of Gab
Words That Matter
Communication is effective when it results in desired action. Words are the most powerful tool to accomplish that. It is pertinent to use clear, coherent and relevant words that leave no room for misunderstanding. It is extremely important to choose words wisely, before speaking, as it is impossible to take back the words once said. 
It’s a Gesture That Counts
In addition to the content, the manner in which it is communicated, the gestures, the tone, the expressions and finer visual details leave a lasting impression on the listener. They have the power to completely change the meaning of the spoken words, which makes it immensely important to pay attention to these finer details while speaking.
Feelings & Emotions
However it is not only words that need to be communicated but also emotions and feelings. Many times these are communicated without a spoken word, and this is the power of expressions and gestures. One must pay extreme attention, not only to the content, but also to connect the words with relevant expressions and gestures, while communicating.
A Good Listener
Another important dimension of effective communication is listening. To be a good communicator one also has to be a good listener. It is by listening that we are able to understand the needs, requirements and expectations of others. The most important advantage of listening is that by listening, we are able to get feedback that makes us improve upon our actions. 
The Golden Words
So good communication will not only lead you to success but will also improve your relationships, given a chance of course!
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