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The Great Management Books You Should Read

Management is probably the most exploited word by in today’s professional environment, then be it any industry, organization, education, leisure and even personal lives of individuals ( Household Management etc.). Management is needed in every sphere of personal and professional life, organizations are paying more and more emphasis on developing managerial competencies in promising individuals. This is reinstated by the fact, that most Training and Development activities in organizations, are centered around the concepts of Management. 
There are various Management books that have flooded the market of late, but some remain the Golden etchings in the history of Management writing. Here is a list of the best ones that you should certainly read.

The Gorilla Marketing

Author:               Jay Conrad Levinson
Category:           Sales and Marketing
In the Mad Men era, marketing and advertising implied a big money investment. In this book, though, author Jay Conrad Levinson explained how unconventional efforts can often create better results at a lower cost. Amazingly, Levinson had this insight more than thirty years before social networking and smartphone apps became such a huge part of the corporate landscape.

The Little Red Book of Selling

Author:                Jeffrey Gitomer
Category:            Enterpreneuship
Every entrepreneur will need to know how to sell.  Whether you’re selling prospective employees on your vision, investors on your company, or customers on your product, you need to be able to sell.  Even if you have a partner who is responsible for sales or hire a sales person, you need to understand a methodical sales process.  This book takes you through an industry-generic process for the sales cycle.  It’s a fast read, and a book to keep for reference. 

The One Minute Manager

Author:                 Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Category:            General Mangement
Believe it or not, there was once a time when most businesspeople believed managing people was a fairly difficult job. However, that was before Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson set out their simple (some say “simplistic”) rules for common-sense management. The success of this booklet spawned an entire industry of “management made easy” consulting.

The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship

Author:                Willam D. Bygrave
Category:            Enterpreneurship
Another classic reference book, well organized and with great set of best practices and references.  One to keep on the bookshelf. Reference it as needed.

The Greatest Salesman of The World

Author :                Og Mandino
Category:            Sales and Marketing
When this classic sales book was written, most people thought of salesmen as slick, fast-talking con-men. While that stereotype still exists, most sales people now, see themselves the way author Og Mandino saw them:  as essentially moral people who are striving to make the world better and make other people happy.

3-D Negotiation

Author:                David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius
Category:            Business Negotiations Skills
Much as fighting in a skilled way isn’t about wading in and swinging wildly and aggressively without direction, negotiation isn’t about shouting loudly and playing hardball on every point.  This book is used by the Harvard Business School for some of their executive level negotiation courses.
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