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The little things

We’re so focused on the bigger things in life that we often lose sight of the little things, when in fact, real happiness lies in the little moments that we have to ourselves.

1. Curl up in bed with an old book you haven’t read in years. There’s something special about revisiting a book at a later time in your life. It’s like catching up with an old friend you haven’t met in a while.

2. Go for a walk with your best friend or even your mom or dad. Talk about everything under the sun or absolutely nothing. But bonding outside, in the midst of nature, just makes the moment all the more special.

3. Pick your favorite song and sing or belt it. An old hairbrush makes a great mic.

4. Write. Taken a good old fashioned pen and paper and write about whatever you’d like to write about. It could be a story, a journal entry or even a poem. It will help you connect with your creative side which sometimes remains bottled up. It’s also a way to learn something new about yourself. Share it with others or just read it to yourself.

5. Draw. Color pencils or even a sharpie will do .Remember when you were a child and you would disappear into your own fantasy world the minute your pencil or crayon touched the blank white art paper? Well, it might be a few years later, but you’ll notice that your fantasy land hasn’t changed all that much.

6. Spend some time in a doggy shelter. If you’re ever feeling low or a feeling you can’t identify, then puppies with lots of licks and love bites will be able to erase each and every one of your worry lines.

7. Choose a shady spot, preferably under a tree, and people watch. It beats watching TV and it definitely helps you unwind. Little bits of juicy conversation might float past you and so will laughter and other happy sounds.

8.Do something you’ve never done before. For example, treat yourself to dinner. Go to a fancy restaurant and have a date with yourself. Or take a book with you or even an ipod. Yes, people might stare, but so what? You can feel like a celebrity and wave at them.

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