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The Perfect Way to Start Your Day

We are all, at our laziest best in the morning. Alarms blare, without making any difference to our sleep, because the those five minutes are very precious to all of us. Waking up in the morning is difficult for all of us but it is necessary to get on with the day. It is very important to start your day well, so that one is mentally ready to face the challenges of the rest of the day, with ease and confidence.

How we start our day, has a profound impact upon what we accomplish in that day. Starting the day on a positive note, not only equips us with confidence, but also gives us the peace of mind to conduct our day today activities without getting hassled. Research says that a perfect start of a day leads to a perfect day. Here are some of the things we can do to get a jumpstart in the morning.

Don’t Rush

We all tend to sacrifice those precious morning moments for a little more sleep. This makes us rush to get ready and get on our way. What we don’t realize, is that those precious morning moments are very important for ourselves. 
This is the time that we can give ourselves each day. One should take time in the morning to do the things they like and for this, one needs to wake up a little earlier and having spent that extra time with ourselves will make waking up a pleasurable experience.

Take a Morning walk

There is nothing like fresh morning air to start your day and a little workout, adds to the whole effect. Exercising of any kind not only effects your body and health but also your mood. When we work out, our body releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals, that are responsible for instant positive feeling  or euphoria, lifting our mood and energy immediately, which is required the most, in the morning .

Honour Your Alarm

Honour your alarm in the morning and don’t press the snooze button, you must have set that alarm for some reason. This will give you that extra time to start your day without the usual rush. Believe it or not, it is much better than sleeping for extra five minutes.

Shower The Laziness Away

Take a shower first thing in the morning when you wake up, it will give you instant freshness. Then one can follow it up with their favorite activities like listening to music or reading the newspaper while having a hot cup of coffee.

Have a Hearty Breakfast

Even though almost every research on food says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, most of us rarely have time for it. It is the most ignored meal of the day, as it is the first thing that gets sacrificed for extra sleep, and the effects are disastrous in the long run. Not only does it make your metabolism to go down, but it also makes you feel edgy and irritated. One should start making a conscious effort to have a hearty breakfast in the morning. Most of us don’t know that this is the only time of the day when we can indulge in extra calories with least effect on our body.

Dress Well For Confidence and Comfort

Lastly, one must dress well for confidence, keeping in mind the place, occasion, personal choice and above all comfort.

So, start your day well, and lead healthy and happy life. 

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