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Time Management is a key to Quality Education

Today we are living in a world where technology is changing the face of education and quality education is still a matter of great concern. Expectations from teachers are very high and failing to manage time is creating a poor professional reputation and higher stress levels. The implication of poor time management may lead to poor work quality, stalled career as well as higher stress levels. Therefore, good time management plays an important role for teachers. To those who aim to become a teacher and pursue   education course, it becomes evident to learn time management if the same needs to be inculcated in the students  


Don’t think for Multitasking

Multitasking may seem like a positive trait for any teacher but as per research study: It leads to as much as a 40 % decrease in productivity and lowers work quality and efficiency. Our brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time and bombardment them with multi tasks not only slow down performance but create high levels of anxiety and stress. It is obvious that: “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” Keeping good command on the subject, administrative efficiency along with a good research profile with good citation count and h-index covering highly indexed publications is a big challenge in teaching. Nowadays most of the teachers look confused about their assignment goals and strategies and it hinders the quality education.

Start your daily with proper planning        

Creating a to-do list and schedule a calendar daily with proper planning is a good way to start your daily routine and things should be prioritized based on what is urgent and important. Start and end the day with a few stretching and breathing exercises not only relax your mind and muscles but helpful to remain energetic to tackle high work pressure and challenges.

A teacher is born not only to teach others but also to inspire as well as motivate others. Being a teacher, the primary job is to focus on quality education. A teacher’s profession involves a lot of hard work. It requires a high amount of energy, good preparation of contents to be taught, patience and robustness. The priority should be given to students and their learning outcomes should be on the top of the list. 

Setting deadline for your task is good

Every other activity in the to-do list will be there to support teaching or organization. So it can be prioritized based on deadlines. Deadlines and time limits are very important for assigned tasks so that one can remain more focused and efficient to perform a particular assigned task. It should be very important to keep track of deadlines. Plan to submit assigned work one day ahead of the deadline will be a good option.

In this way a teacher can maximize productivity and achieve the goal of quality education with good time management.

Written By:- Shaveta Thakral, Associate Professor, EECE Department

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