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Why Read Literature?

The progress of a nation depends on its social attitude, public opinion, perceptions and ideology.  Literature of any nation plays a crucial role in shaping the mindset of its society. Literature is the reflection of the life and society in all its varied forms and shapes. From time to time writers have been exploring the various dimensions of the relationship between man and society. Every age has its own compulsions, tensions, fears, aspirations and logic which characterize the works of that time. It represents the social, political, cultural and historical growth of society at a great length. Moreover a writer through his literary work makes an indelible mark on the social fabric of the society. We have great classics such as Train to Pakistan,  Untouchable, Midnight’s Children, The God of Small Things, The Wasteland and many more that sensitively suggest and venture to reform the moral fabric of the society.

However, the purpose of literature is to just not preach but also to entertain people. The  writers with his versatile expression takes a reader to his creative world and lets him experience the  feelings, emotions and inner recesses of his characters. The varied genres of literature like poetry, drama , fiction and prose touch the sensibility of any reader in one way or other.

Fiction: It has emerged as a powerful medium to present the age in a descriptive and analytical manner. A novelist is not only creating his characters but through his work we can assess and learn the values inherent in them and their behavior. Writers like Virginia Woolf, D.H Lawrence, Arundhati Roy etc have always delighted the readers with their work.

Poetry: Wordsworth, a great English poet defined poetry as “… spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” A good poem by employing imagery and words into verse form touches the hearts and minds of the readers. It can easily arouse the sentiments of their readers through versification. Great poets like William Wordsworth, John Keats, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Ted Hughes, Rabindranath Tagore have through ages mesmerized the readers with their verses.

Drama: It is a powerful mode of presentation as it involves dialogue delivery and stage performance. William Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre staged its all time favorites such as The Tempest, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth etc. for the audience and still continues to do so. The theatre besides entertaining,  improves our sense of aesthetics and our ability to understand people and life situations. The Duchess of Malfi, The Glass Menagerie, Mother Courage, Tughlaq, Harvest etc have left the audience spell bound.

Prose: This  word originates from a Latin expression  prosa oratio which stands for literally, straightforward or direct speech. It is used as a common language  in newspapers, magazines, literature, encyclopedias, broadcasting, philosophy, law, history, the sciences, and many other forms of communication. John Ruskin’s Unto this Last, Charles Lamb Essays of Elia, F.Scott Fitzgerald Crack –Up are  some examples of prose writings in a lucid, graceful and elegant style.

So come, pick up a book and spend your time visiting the scintillating world of writers.

Written by: Dr. Shivani Vashist, Professor & HOD English, Faculty of Media Studies & Humanities

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