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Skilling India

Skilling India

By 2020, India will be the youngest country in the world with an estimated 64 percent of the population in the employable age range. While the economic potential of this is great, unless many changes are made – from education to mindsets – many youth will remain unemployable.
India is a country of contrasts created by rapid growth, where slums rub shoulders with luxury hotels, where there’s a dearth of skilled workers to fill up rapidly growing job openings.
Despite having more post-secondary institutions – and people graduating from there – than ever before, Indian businesses are unable to find qualified workers.
In the present scenario although the requirement of engineers in the industries has increased tremendously, yet the suitable employment for the fresh graduates especially in the core sector has eluded them to a very large extent. The challenges that lead to this dichotomy are as under:
There indispensible need to integrate the carefully designed and closely monitored, tailor made professional courses to upgrade the students so that they are fit enough to meet the challenges.
It is the need of the hour to take up this matter on priority basis because despite being no shortage of technical hands, the big question mark on their skills remains an evident factor. “We need to look into this problem as deeply as possible because from the last many decades there has not been any aggressive and comprehensive action plan exercised to improve the dire situation. Both Industry and Institute are equal stake holders in nurturing required level of skills
Furthering the requirement of engineers in the industries has increased tremendously, yet the suitable employment for the fresh graduates especially in the core sector has eluded them to a very large extent. The challenges that lead to this dichotomy are as under:
Challenges faced :
By the Technical Institutes :
Indispensible need to integrate the carefully designed and closely monitored, tailor made professional courses to upgrade the students so that they are fit enough to meet the challenges.
By the Industries :
Skilled human resource plays a crucial role in developing efficient man power as our country is reeling under paucity of technical hands.The engineering professionals recruited through the process need to be trained for almost a year to be suitable for the industry thus Industry incurs huge expense for their training.
Bridging gap between Industry & Institutions is the need of the hour. The Institution imparting technical education needs to be flexible with the changing dynamics of the Industry. With the growing need to develop parallel and newer technologies , the student should be made abreast with emerging trends and their creative instincts be nurtured.
Indians have a fantastic ability to work around constraints to make things happen. If the private, public and civil sectors are able to effectively join together and match skills to workers to jobs, they can create massive social and economic impact – with lessons applicable to policies and programs around the world.
  1. Meet a huge unmet need of industry and the society at large that can be met through capacity and capability development
  2. Nurture experts who are skilled and trained on state of art technologies
  3. Have a long term focus in building competitiveness in the centre and in their stakeholders.
  4. Create engineering professionals trained as per the need of the industry so as to be utilized in the industry right from day one resulting in the saving of a huge man year and the expense incurred as well.
Like raising the benchmark, Manav Rachna International University is dedicated to the highest realization of human powers.It commands a remarkable inter face between teaching methodology and industry oriented research activities. We nurture students to don the mantle of corporate leadership at the same time fostering humaneness.We corroborate with the vision of Industry as the synergy between the Industry and Institute to spearhead a new eratowards achieving excellence.
At Manav Rachna we have integrated the carefully designed and closely monitored, tailor made professional courses to upgrade the students so that they are fit enough to meet the challenges.
The Mission has beento provide students with innovative, state of art training solutions in all the core branches of engineering, to develop their engineering skills and build the requisite communication and personality traits in order to enhance their ability/prospects of employment and a subsequent successful career and to relish the thrill of participation towards economic ,social and environmental development of our Nation.
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