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We Don’t Teach You, We Educate You

The purpose of educating yourself is not only to seek a white collared job that would fetch you a competitive salary in exchange for your Knowledge.
Overall enrichment of your personality and preparing oneself for the challenges and opportunities in the market should be prioritized by students, when they fill in their admission forms.
Academic Knowledge and an appropriate Degree are often considered the only compulsion of going to a college and pursuing Higher education in India. In fact students have exhibited a confused state of mind when they end up taking a wrong course in a wrong University.
At Manav Rachna, the purpose of education is to prepare its students with the best degree qualification along with the taste of real life work challenges and opportunities that helps them to strive for excellence.
Students should analyze some factors closely while filling in their Admission forms for any College/ University as this might make or break their Future.
What should be your Priorities?
Course Offered
Personal Interest in a particular subject along with career prospect available in the future course related to the subject, should be considered before selecting a Course in a University/College.Recognizing your own skill in performing the subject of your interest will help you make a correct career choice. 

A University serves as a platform to the students where they can acquire knowledge and vocational skills pertaining to the course they choose to enroll in.
Most of the time we encounter cases where students compromise on their subject choice for a Brand name attached with the College/ University. This plays out to bring the student to a jobless status, even if he/she has completed their course successfully and attained a Degree.
Most of the big and recognized Universities in the country today can accommodate almost all the courses that are in demand in the job market. Once the course choice is settled students can proceed to the next step ..
The next best judgement criterion for a good University is the Course Structure.
The course structure may vary in different Universities as per their set standards of achieving the required Knowledge. Colleges mostly bound to adhere to their University course structures that is predetermined by the Chancellor and Board of Directors at the university level.
Picking up the right University, for pursuance of your course can help you design your career plan better. The pattern of a course structure and the process of teaching depends to a large extent on the course syllabus and structure decided by a University.
Today, there are 100 thousand colleges offering the same course but following the standards codes decided by the University. Graduating from a University that has been accredited by nation Board of accreditation(NBA) for its Course syllabus and structure is an assured place to shape your career.
of the University to a students abode is considered convenient and 
preferable. Maximum, distance of 10 Km is manageable for the local students who have to spend 30-60 minutes on travelling in order to save time.

Hostel and accommodation arrangement for students within the campus is also an added advantage and important factor while selecting a college of choice.


Once you have landed yourself in the Right University with the best Course Structure, it is your duty to know about the method of teaching and Faculties of the University.

A recognized and reputed University shall always place the best minds in the position of the Faculty, as they define the purpose of going to a college.
If the college teachers are boring and unable to communicate in a comprehensive manner, a student should not be blamed for losing interest in the learning process
Besides having the most appropriate course syllabus and course structure, the delivery channel of the course also matters. A University should have an experienced and qualified Faculty that assures the quality of teaching in an Institute.
Therefore, the Faculty of a University plays an important factor in the education life of students, as they help them retain interest in their subjects and hence work a step towards achieving their career goal.
Credibility of a College is often determined by the recognition and progress of its ex-college students in life. An Alumnus of a University/college provides a window to gaze the product quality of the University that might that might inspire the next batch students and drive them to perform better.

A strong alumnus body is always a reflection of the fact that the University/College is continues to be a contributor in its students life and is always addressed like a parental guide.
In the above context what has been implied is the fact that education, particularly Higher education, provides once in a lifetime opportunity to the students to strive for their dreams and ambitions and overcome the barriers that holds them back.
This important journey in a person’s life that will lay the foundation of its career graph has to be laid with utmost responsibility and determination. Choice of the best University indeed is the first right thing to do.

Manav Rachna International University one of the many educational centres that stands out for its unique features like leadership, management,Course quality assurance, Course structure,  accountability, relationship with Industry, international collaboration and the way teaching and research are conducted sets the right model of a Higher education University for a bright future.

Manav Rachna sets an educational tradition where students are not only prepared  for a good career but a good life.

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