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Career Edge with EMBA

In today’s fast paced world, technology and burgeoning research has rendered basic qualifications wanting in many areas with the passage of time and that time is decreasing very fast. An individual who completes his education and starts a career in a certain year, is already feeling the effects of new technology and knowledge taking over in a very less period of time, to the point that it starts effecting his career aspirations and even overall performance. Moreover, as one grows into a profession, his role begins to change with increasing authority; there are changes in job descriptions and management expectations as well. This is the time when one longs to go back to business school, but it is not really that easy with the complications of adult life to deal with.
Nonetheless, with problems come solutions as well. It is this need of professionals who want to add value and enrich their professional competence that has led to the rise of Continuing Education.
Continuing Education is an all-encompassing term within a broad spectrum of post secondary learning activities and programs. In simple words it is the term used to specify all education activities carried out by an individual after starting a career in a chosen profession.
EMBA for a Shining Career
Continuing Education comes in many forms, but the most popular remains management education, since it is the newer business and management practices that are most needed for juicier jobs.
Executive MBA (EMBA) programs were developed to meet the educational needs of managers and executives, allowing students to earn an MBA or another business-related degree in two years or less while working full-time. Participants come from every type and size of organization – profit, nonprofit, government – representing a variety of industries. EMBA students typically have a higher level of work experience, compared to other MBA students, but it is not a limiting factor.
Realizing  Career Aspirations
The EMBA is renowned for providing successful candidates with career progression and an immediate return on their professional investment. It gives you a definite career edge and leads to personal and professional enrichment.
After earning an executive MBA, you could continue to work in your current position. You may be able to accept more responsibility or pursue promotion opportunities. You could also explore new and more advanced career options in your industry and within organizations that are looking for executives with an MBA education. Coupled with your experience and latest EMBA degree you can make your resume shine.
Executive MBA from MRIU
Faculty of Management Studies at Manav Rachna International University is one of the top business schools in the country.
FMS at MRIU offers the Executive MBA programme with specializations in Marketing, International Business, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, provides students with in-depth knowledge, skills and relationships needed to confront business challenges. The EMBA programme literally transforms the way you look at business. It’s a remarkable experience to be in a programme that prepares you to re-shape the corporate landscape.
The program is targeted at business executives, past or present, working in corporate organization’s or in family businesses who are keen to upgrade their skills and are sufficiently motivated to move higher in their professional life. The EMBA at Manav Rachna is typically designed to impart state-of-the-art business education, thorough exposure to best practices, so that the participants can have the right and practical understanding of business challenges and are able to resolve them successfully. They can expect to fast-track their careers by gaining new insights into business practices and move on to higher echelons of management.
The high degree of flexibility with weekend only classes and sessions by senior academicians as well industry experts make it the best in its class.
Opportunities Beckon
To be able to discover and exploit all the opportunities around you and to give your career definite edges go for Executive MBA, it promises to bring shine back on your resume. To know more about Executive MBA programmes at Manav Rachna please visit:
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