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Students- Stay Healthy and Active this Summer

With admissions, stress, and the blazing sun, Students tend to forget all about their fitness regime and overall health. Mc Chickens and Zingers seem to rule most student food chains. While drinking aerated drinks and insane amounts of coffee seems to come more naturally than drinking a cold refreshing glass of water. And soon you’re plummeting down the rabbit hole that reeks of bad health. But good health really isn’t as tough as it seems. In fact, when you’re working out, everything else seems to work out, too. You feel better about yourself and stress takes a back burner or completely vanishes. So here are a few tips to help you make the most of the extra hours of summer sunshine to burn off some of those extra kilos. And each student should follow these tips to stay healthy in summers.

Top 5 Tips keeps you Healthy in Summers.


In the evenings when the sun isn’t at it’s brightest self, soak up some vitamin D. Find a walking trail or park close to where you live or you can try Sirifort Sports Complex, Lodhi Garden and Deer Park. If possible, pick a spot with some hills for incline, or even try a little rock climbing if you’re feeling adventurous. But remember to carry lots of water or cold Shikanji.


The summer fitness must: swimming. Even if you’re not a lap swimmer, treading water for an hour can burn anywhere from 400-600 calories for the average person.

Eat lots of fruit

So many yummy fruits are in season, why not indulge yourself on some fresh fruit salads? Fresh fruits are not only good for you, they’re low in calories and the water in them can help you stay hydrated for longer. Watermelon, cherries, strawberries, melons, and kiwis are just a few of the great fruits in season that can make a great treat in between meals.

Drink extra water

This season makes it easier than ever to drink more water. Flush out toxins, refresh yourself, and keep hydrated by drinking a recommended ballpark range of about 88 ounces of water per day. The extra water will also keep your metabolism running smoothly, clear your skin, keep your food cravings to a minimum, and help you get healthier hair and nails.

Eat outside

Some studies have shown that eating in places with dim light can cause you to linger over your plate more, and in result eat more food and move around less. To mix it up, eat outside while the long summer days make it possible to eat in the light during meal times. Absorbing some natural vitamin D is another perk of outdoor dining.
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